Friday, December 16, 2011

Conrad & Leopolds, Back to the Garden, and Homeward Bound

My second day in the lodges was as awesome as the first. Still really love that Lucus boy :) Also, a huge fan of Garbanzo :)I got to do some dog walks on day to which are always refreshing and they always give you a new perspective on the dog. China was very animated on our walk. Snow was very affectionate and Hummer was all over the place. Silly silly dog. After finishing out my time at the Lodges I headed over to Conrad & Leopolds for the next two days. C&L is also part of Dog Town and has a good variety of dog ages and collar colors. Mitchel and Billy Bob are spunky younger kids who just like to run and play. Bentley, brother to Cashmere from the Garden, is also quite the character. Jagger, the kitchen dog over at Conrad's is from hurricane Katrina. Such a lover but she likes to counter surf a lot;)

On my second day at Conrad's I heard over the radio that Angel Lodges had to euthanize Old Lady Bell. The new was both saddening and grounding. Even here there is euthanasia, however the circumstances are COMPLETELY different. Old Lady Bell was a 16 year old german shepherd. Yup that's right 16! This girl died at a ripe old age, surrounded by the people that loved and cared for her. Her journey ended so that she was no longer i n pain. Not because there wasn't space for her, not because someone didn't have the time or resources to treat or rehabilitate her. Simply because of old age and the gradual wearing out of the body. So although I was sad I was also encouraged. There is hope. There are places that can give animals everything that they need until that time comes.

Today was my last day and I can't believe how fast the time went by! I finished out my day in the Garden with Haven and Deb. Those two are both incredible people. Truly. I took Cyrus for a car ride and spent some time with Meg and some others. I am deeply saddened to be leaving them all. I can't believe in 24 hours I will be states away from them! That being said my time here has been nothing but positive and educational. No news so far as to if a job offer will be made. They tell me I will know in one to two weeks. (I may have no finger nails left by that time) But either way I have learned so very much and I am very excited to share what I have learned with everyone back home. I am excited to make improvements to the shelter back home so that our dogs may live healthier, happier, more enriched lives. And if I don't get this job I know it's not the end of my love affair with Utah or Best Friends. It just means I have more work to do in Michigan with HATS before I make the move!

Peace & Love from a Sunny Utah,


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