Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What Now!?!?!

In the past three weeks I have successfully moved from a town of about 26,000 people with an elevation of 770 feet about sea level to a very small town with a population of merely 3,800 people with an elevation of about 4,970 feet above sea level. I never pictured myself living in a small town in the middle of nowhere yet that is exactly where I find myself these days and, to my surprise, I am loving every minute of it! However having obtained my dream job and moved to Utah I now find myself asking what's next? What exactly does one do after they have reached their life's goal at age 23?

Several people tell me that I am just supposed to be happy for the rest of my life and although that sounds like a great idea, those of you that know me also know that I am not one to sit around and be complacently happy so to speak. I need goals and purpose and a general direction to my life. I am an ambitious person. I like seeking wholeheartedly after my dreams. So I find myself taking a good hard look at my life and the things that I am passionate about so that I can set some new goals.

Obviously my biggest passion is animal rescue, welfare and advocacy. At first glance working for the largest no kill animal rescue in the country pretty much takes care of this one for me. However I would really like to use everything that I am learning here to help my shelter back home make more progress. They are a small but passionate organization and I am dedicated to helping them better themselves so that we may save more and more lives, educate more and more people, and ultimately create a healthier, happier environment for the staff, volunteers, and every animal in our care. A piece of my heart will always be in Mount Pleasant MI. Along those same line s lies my passion for pit bulls and pit bull advocacy. I sure do love the underdog. In the past four years I have immersed myself in anything and everything pit bull related. The good, the bad, the ugly I find myself drawn to this breed and the main injustices that we humans have inflicted up on them over the years. Within the next year I would really like to expand my understand of this breed and the issues it is facing in today's society. I believe a very important step in this educational endeavor is to visit the world's largest pit bull rescue which happens to have a new center located in New Orleans, LA - one of my favorite places in this country. I am excited to learn from people who have dedicated their lives to understand and rescuing the breed that everyone else shies away from.

This leads me to my second and third passion. Disaster relief and affordable housing. Since 2008 I have been spending at least one week of my life giving back to broken communities across the country. Communities ravished by hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods. There is something so humbling and rewarding about helping someone rebuild their home and in turn their life. Too often I take for granted the simple fact that I have a home. Which is why I am also dedicating at least one week of my life to rebuilding communities for the rest of my life. I was greatly moved by hurricane Katrina and it's impact on the entire Gulf Coast. This past summer I had the privilege of working with the Saint Bernard Project- an organization dedicated to rebuilding not only homes but lives throughout the lower 9th ward in New Orleans through affordable housing projects, mental health services and equal opportunity employment. Working with SBP only solidified my love for NOLA and it's people and my dedication to rebuilding what Katrina tore apart. I have also decided that I will be working with the Saint Bernard Project once a year as well.

Living in Southern Utah reminds me of Bike & Build each and everyday. As I drive to work I find myself looking back to that spot I chalked, or that hill I climbed next to Tiffany. I pass that shade tree at the top of the climb and that beautiful decent Corey and I took together. Bike & Build is everywhere here which is why I am looking forward to meeting SUS 12 when they roll through this summer. And as long as SUS is rolling through Kanab I think that it's my duty to spread some SUS 11 love with them by chalking for them and baking for them and if I am lucky enough, riding with them. I am already working on my plan of attack for this year. I would really love to host an SUS 11 reunion during the time that SUS 12 rolls through so that everyone could meet and bike and bond over the heat and some PB & J. Still working on the details though! The weather is so perfect here and the red cliffs are so inspiring I find it hard to sit inside. I can ride my bike everyday here!! Fiona and I were so happy to stretch our legs for the first time after arriving. There is nothing more therapeutic than strapping on your helmet and hitting the road. I have also started running again since arriving. I have decided that if one can bike from ocean to ocean in the dead of summer with minimal injuries there is no reason that I can't train for and run a marathon. But quite possibly the thing that I am most excited about is yoga!!! I have started doing yoga every day and let me tell you there is nothing more beautiful than doing yoga against the red cliffs.

For now I will be working on physical perfection, and giving back to as many people and animals as possible. Please let me know if you have any ideas for me! I am always looking for ways to grow in knowledge and service to others. Who knows what's next!!!!!

Peace & Love,


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