Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Joys of Packing....

So I confirmed my travel arrangements today and I will be leaving the great state of Michigan on Feb 17th!!!!! It looks like My Pleasant to Omaha. Omaha to Denver. Denver to Kanab. Kanab to Vegas. Vegas to Kanab. But before I can actually leave I have this little thing called packing to do. As many of you know, I hate packing. a lot. I have to fit four years of life into one blazer with 3 cats and my best friend. This is going to be a challenge to say the least. However I am looking forward to packing light and starting my new life off living simply :)

Before I leave I not only need to pack up my life. I also need to see as many people as possible, adopt out as many dogs as possible, and locate a gps, bike rack, and computer. So if you know me and you are an important person in my life, you know if you are, lets make plans asap! If you know anyone looking for a female black lab who is blind in one eye send them my way. Her name is Trinity and she is the current love of my life. And if you are super nice and have a bike rack or gps that I could borrow lets be friends :) The computer search continues.... BUT I'M MOVING TO UTAH!!!! TO WORK AT BEST FRIENDS!!!!! WITH MY CATS!!!!!!! AND MOUNTAINS!!!! AND NO MORE EUTHANASIA!!! Does it get better than this?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Good News At Last!

SO as many of you know I LOVED my time in Utah and with Best Friends this past December and I have been waiting, very impatiently, to hear back from them. Last night Michelle Logan and I played phone tag for a while before actually connecting today.... AND IT WAS GREAT NEWS!!! I got the job!!!!! I am going to be working for Best Friends!!! In Dog Town!! Oreo and I will be Utah bound in a few short weeks. So hard to believe but such great news :)

I truly dont know how to feel right now. It is an intense mixture of excited/overwhelmed and sad/nervous. I mean when you are a kid the goal is always to reach for the stars. Then as an adult you do everything in your power to make your childhood dreams come true. But what do you do when you actually reach your goal? When you actually obtain your dream job? I for one jumped up and down, screamed a bit, and then did a happy dance. Although working for Best Friends and being a voice for animals has always been my goal obtaining it is bitter sweet because it means that I will be leaving everything and everyone I have ever known. Now for me the unknown is pretty exciting!!! It's the leaving part that gets me. So I arm myself with courage and hope for the journey ahead. Leaving HATS and all of the animals it cares for is a huge leap of faith and I can tell you a whole lot of courage. But I have hope that the excellent staff and dedicated volunteers will carry the torch in my absence because unlike last time this leave is permanent.

So in 4 short weeks I need to train staff and share as much knowledge and as many connections as I possibly can. I need to pack my 23 yrs of life, say my good byes to family and friends, grab my cat and hit the road! I'M MOVING TO UTAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH