Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Settling In Nicely

Sorry I haven't been as consistent with this as I had wanted to be. But I figured it was time for an update. The job is wonderful! I cannot wait to get up and go to work every day. I am learning more and more about training and dog behavior each day. As of right now my favorite green collar girl is Vegas and green collar boy is Max. Favorite purple collar girl is Cecilla and boy is Riley. Favorite red collar girl is Meryl and boy is Julio. You can view their profiles and even sponsor them if you wish by visiting the Best Friends website. Aside from work I have been starting to make some friends which has been so so nice. I love hearing about how each person came to be a part of this organization and I love knowing that we all share this genuine and deep love for animals. Great foundation for friendships!!! Went hiking the other day and everything was beautiful. It reminded me a lot of Bike & Build!!! I love when you get bits and pieces of Bike & Build in the real world. I had my first visitor which only further cemented that fact that this really is my crazy awesome life now!!! Living my dreams. Crazy. I made my way back to Zion and I am convinced that I will never get used to it's beauty. The animals keep me busy and everyone is making such good progress!!! I have started to get mail, which is very exciting for me I might add, so send anything and everything that you would like to! Still adjusting to some of the things I miss from Michigan such as fiesta ranch dip, meijer brand raspberry water, pumpkin pancakes, socks free of sand ect. But in the grand scheme of things that stuff doesn't really matter. Anyways, I am hiking some more this afternoon! Here is the very brief update! For more details or to set up your next visit call me. Love you all!! Summer